I seek not simply to teach but to elevate

In-Person and/or Virtual Workshops

01 — Deconstructing Resilience to Deliver on Results

 OUTCOME:  Awareness of individual strengths and weaknesses for managing change and how to build greater resilience for change.

Why is change so challenging?  At its core, successfully navigating challenges and achieving desired outcomes depends on whether you as an individual can adapt to new ways of thinking and operating, solve problems, and overcome obstacles. But many people lack an understanding of how adversity and change affect them and what they can do to better anticipate and adapt to challenges that come their way.  This workshop will deconstruct resilience into 7 key muscles required to navigate all changes that either happen to us or changes we choose.  Participants will end up with a 17 page reference book and action plan to identify strengths and know which muscles to work proactively to personally navigate change better.  

02 — Demystifying Culture Change Workshop

OUTCOME:  Understanding of current and future state culture with tools to help move your culture forward.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast ~ Peter Drucker.
Culture isn’t just one aspect of the game - it is THE game. What happens if you don’t have a work culture that supports your ever-increasing business changes? Your energy will be consumed trying to push a string uphill. Do you believe you can actually even change a culture? The short answer is yes. But likely not how you think! This workshop starts by demystifying what culture is and how it can be influenced. We then use a fast-paced and interactive workshop to begin to co-create the mindsets and behaviours required to drive the changes you need to sustain your organization. It’s engaging. It’s enlightening. It’s effective.

03 — LEGO® Serious Play Workshop

OUTCOME:  Communication, inspiration and innovation through individual and group lego modelling/play.

Going through a business change? Bringing together a new team and need to do some "speed bonding"? Looking for a great way to build ideas and commitment within your organization? Have you ever thought of using LEGO to get you there?  The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method is a technique which improves group problem solving. By utilizing visual, auditory and kinesthetic skills, the Method requires participants to learn and listen, and it provides all participants with a voice. The Method serves as a shared language regardless of culture or position. It is also a method that requires a trained LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator. Good news. You found one.

04 — Who Are You Anyways? Branding Workshop

OUTCOME:  Clearly defined, co-created and adopted Brand Promise, Brand Value Proposition and Branch Identity (Characteristics).

Why does your organization exist? What is your promise to this world? What is your value proposition? What do you do uniquely better than anyone else? How do you want other people and organizations to talk about you behind your back? This 7 session branding exercise will take your leadership team through some tough questions and answers that will get to the core of what your organization is authentically all about. Through facilitated co-creation, your team will develop a foundational understanding that will be the basis of all business innovation, transformation and operation. The best part? You can start with a team that may be at polar opposites in their understanding and bring them all on one page with “skin-in-the-game” co-accountability to bring life to the brand they have just created.

05 — Successful Change Leadership - Presentation

OUTCOME:  Learn how you prefer to lead change and increase your awareness for those who respond to change differently than you.   

Leadership is the #1 reason for the success or failure of change initiatives according to Prosci Change Management research. Do you know what the difference is between Change Leadership and Change Management? Hint: One has wheels and one has an engine. Many leaders believe they know how to lead change in their organizations. However, there seems to be a disconnect with outcomes. 70% of most transformations fail to deliver desired outcomes. So how do you as a leader do better so you can get better results? It starts with understanding your change intelligence. It moves to understanding your organizations change ability. It takes off by leveraging both. And it ends with the sustainable transformation your organization needs to remain relevant and valuable to your partners, customers and stakeholders. This presentation will challenge you with practical tools you can start using the same day.

Speaking Opportunities

Book Robin for your next event, podcast, conference, retreat. Areas of interest:

  • Change Leadership

  • How to Start a Movement

  • Cracking the Culture Change Challenge

  • What if …. Change was actually Good?

Topics will be customized to suit your specific goals. Let’s start a conversation and see where it goes :)

“Leadership is about unlearning management and
re-learning human”
- Art of Leadership 2018 Conference